April 27, 2024
Ravishing Meaning In Urdu

Ravishing Meaning In Urdu

Ravishing Meaning In Urdu

In the Urdu Language, the Ravishing Meaning is “Pur Musrat پرمسرت”. It means something that is very beautiful and very charming to look at.

Ravishing Meaning In Urdu

Synonyms of Ravishing

  1. Stunning
  2. Gorgeous
  3. Exquisite
  4. Beautiful
  5. Mesmerizing
  6. Bewitching
  7. Lovely
  8. Splendid
  9. Fascinating
  10. Delightful
  11. Attractive
  12. Charming
  13. Angelic
  14. Divine
  15. Heavenly
  16. Irresistible

Synonyms of Ravishing

Antonyms of Ravishing

  1. Unattractive
  2. Ugly
  3. Unappealing
  4. Ordinary
  5. Dull
  6. Bland
  7. Unlovely
  8. Uninteresting
  9. Repulsive
  10. Uninviting
  11. Commonplace
  12. Displeasing
  13. Unsightly

Antonyms of Ravishing

Ravishing Meaning In Urdu

Ravishing Meaning In Urdu, “Pur Musrat پرمسرت”. There are many things in this world which are very beautiful to look at and whoever sees such joyful things is drawn towards them. Seeing such things, a person gets lost in these things, because of these things, there is peace in a person’s life. Whenever we have any problem, we spend time in such a place where we find peace, where the sight soothes peace to the heart, mind, and eyes.

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