May 17, 2024
Priority Meaning in Urdu

Priority Meaning in Urdu

Priority Meaning in Urdu

In the Urdu language, the Priority meaning is “Tarjeeh ترجیح”. This word is used to give importance to things or someone or those things that are necessary for us.

Priority Meaning in Urdu

Synonyms of Priority

  1. Preference
  2. Primacy
  3. Superiority
  4. Importance
  5. Supremacy

Synonyms of Priority

Antonyms of Priority

  1. Negligence
  2. Unimportance
  3. Insignificance
  4. Nonessential
  5. Inconsequence

Antonyms of Priority

Priority Meaning in Urdu

In the Urdu language, Priority means to give a lot of importance to something. These words are usually used when a task, a problem, or a topic is considered more important than other things. This word is used when something is to be given more importance over other things. For example, if you are facing some kind of problems while performing a task, then solving those problems first will be your priority, thus you can focus your attention and time on those problems. You will be able to find what is most important to you. Priority means to consider something more important than other things or to tackle the task first that is your top priority.

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